Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

It’s 11:40 pm on January 1st, 2007.

For 23 hours and 40 minutes, Bulgaria is in the EU.

For the first time in the last few weeks, I have installed a WordPress blog/website, and I do not intend to delete it ;-)

It’s a step forward – for me (and maybe not so big a step for humanity;-)

I was undecided up to the last moment – should I create two separate WordPress installs (one for each language, as I plan writing both in English and in Bulgarian), or should I go for one install, plugin-based WordPress way. Finally, the two separate installs way won:)

I’m not sure if it’s the best way. But I hope that this way will give me more power, more freedom – playing with website design, using plugins, etc. So here it is – you are reading now the English version of Optimiced. Curious how the Bulgarian version looks? Drop a look, then:)

After my first post will follow a period of translation, setting up variuos options, and… learning how to write:)

I plan to publish a couple of articles first on how I created this WordPress installs – I think, some of the small details will be interesting for a wider audience – concerning the UTF-8 encoding problem and MySQL, for example (the famous ‘file: wp-db.php in wp-includes, after line #43 insert SET NAMES’ issue – more on that later;-) and others.

But it’s quite late already… So here we are, first post edited.

More content will (hopefully) be created and published tomorrow. Have a good night!

5 thoughts on “Hello world! (finally;-)

  1. Hi, this is a comment.
    To delete a comment, just log in and view the post’s comments. There you will have the option to edit or delete them.

    Thank you, Mr WordPress! You were so kind, I won’t dare delete your first comment! :-)


  2. Well, babe, it was time.
    Congratulations that you finally took decison and started blogging.
    Remember, the long road begins with one step…:-*

    Forget the hesitaton, wish you walking without stumblin’…

  3. @Ani

    Thx for the good wishes!

    Me wishin’ mesself just walkin’, even with stumblin’ ;-) The Road itself is interesting, that’s why I made the first step :)

  4. @Vladi:

    Thank you! :-) It’s just a beginning, and I have hopes… Time will show:-)

    BTW, just today I found this post by Doug Bowman, when he was starting his own personal blog. So, it’s not only me who ‘starts late’ – only that his late was in 2002, hehe;-)

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