Daily Design: The Change

After 2 weeks of experimenting…

1) I don’t think you can create and perfection 365 designs/illustrations in one year, and without spending too much time for this task (actually, I like most of the things I have published up to now, but…)…

Still, the limiation “one design every day” makes things pretty hard. Some of the ideas need more time, but if you spend only 20 -30 minutes every day, the time is not enough. Maybe it would be good for me to spend more time, a few days or even a week, for some of my ideas…

2) For this reason, I may later decice to separate the RSS feed for the category Daily Design from my main RSS feed. Anyone that would like to continue following my progress, can simply subscribe to the Daily Design RSS.

Well, that’s it… Let’s see if later, something new will appear in the Daily Design… :)

UPDATE: Curious to see other “contestants”? In the comments for this blog post, there’s a long list of URLs! :-)

Daily Design (2010-014): Welcome to the Dark Side!

Daily Design
(click the image to see in original size)

Meta info:
Camera: Canon S5 IS
Software: Adobe Fireworks
Time: ~ 10 m
Idea: 2009/Aug/11 (final edit: 2010/Jan/14 @ 20:30)

The photo is mine, it’s from the Summer of 2009. I like it very much — it’s not an easy task, to make such a photo with a non-professional digital camera, so I was quite pleased with the results.

The title on the photo… I just added/edited.

Hope my Daily Designs do not feel like a… burden to my readers… :)

I like to experiment and hence the idea to create something each day… for a while. Like, a month… or a year, maybe… ;-)

Daily Design (2010-010): A Creative Edit

Daily Design
(click the image to see in original size)

Meta info:
Digital camera: Canon S5 IS
Software: Adobe Fireworks
Time: ~ 10 m
Idea & completed: 2010/Jan/09

A Creative Edit with Fireworks! ;-)

Btw, in the past I liked Creative very much, especially when they were making sound systems together with Cambridge Soundworks (I still cannot see anything in the non-professional class that can surpass the amazing sound of 2.1 250D speakers — maybe I should dedicate a separate blog post just for 250D;-).

Daily Design (2010-008): Ces fleurs, elles sont pour toi

Daily Design
(click the image to see in original size)

Meta info:
Software: Adobe Fireworks
Time: ~ 20 m
Idea: 2010/Jan/08

Inspired by this tutorial. And, yes, this a special present for a special friend of me and Ani (hint: her name start with a “V”)! :-)

(note@2010/Jan/09) Thanks to Nicolas Picard, who helped me with the French text. Of course, “Ces fleurs, elles sont pour toi!”! :-)

Daily Design (2010-005): The mysterious book cover

Daily Design
(click the image to see in original size, or click here)

Meta info:
Software: Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Fireworks (+ Canon S5 IS for the photo)
Time: ~ 1h
Idea: 2009/Nov/17
Finalized: 2010/Jan/05

This is an un-realised idea for a book cover. Because otherwise this design would not have seen the world, I think it’s a good trade-off to publish it in my Daily Design category, after a bit of editing:)

Daily Design (2010-004): The night falls but the city is not dark…

Daily Design
(click to see in original size)

Meta info:
Software: Adobe Fireworks
Time: ~ 30-45 m
Idea: 2009/Oct/02
Finalized version: 2010/Jan/04

In October 2009 a post card fell into my hands, it was promoting the Nights of museums in Plovdiv. I liked it, so I tried to re-create it at some point, in Fireworks. Then I forgot about it and put the file away somewhere. Thanks to @molif I now was able to find the file and finish it. The final version is not exactly as I is first imagined it, but I like the results, anyway! :)